How far are you willing to run?

Provlöpning 16e december!

Klockan 10.00 drar vi igång årets provlöpning/lucialöpning. Vi börjar med Backyardvarvet om 6.7km i tempot “alla ska med”. Därefter kl. 11.00 så joggar vi iväg på det längre 11.5km varvet! Det finns alltid några som vill fortsätta och springa flera…

Scandic Täby offer

Staying at hotel before/after the race? Scandic Täby is the closest hotel and is located 3km from the race area. Use below booking number when booking your hotel by mail to this address: Booking numbrer: 46792651 The discount is…

Give away release

I present to you our 10th anniversary and this years super Give Away – TEC’s own race vest 😃 All runners will get it when you collect your race bib. Haven’t signed up yet? It’s never to late! CLICK HERE…